Marketcom123 Professional Standards and Service Policies

Marketcom is a professional company and abides by strict code of ethics standards.

We keep our web and design rates low as possible and we operate inside an e-business model with the following attributes:
Graphic, web and consulting projects are conducted through:

– Web Site / Online
– File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
– Portable Document Format (PDF)
– E-mail,
– Telephone
– Fax
– Mail
– Overnight or Priority Delivery

  • A Marketcom representative can visit client locations for meetings and material pickup / deliveries.
  • Prospects / Clients may view prior work provided by Marketcom from: web sites, magazines, newspapers, public brochures and our online portfolio.
  • Marketcom may supply references.
  • Our EZ Step-Process produces “0” risk for new and ongoing project completion.

Assignment Step Process

Client relays information for project requirements to Marketcom.
Marketcom provides the client with a proposal of services that includes:

– All anticipated work involved
– Anticipated follow-up
– Rates

  • Marketcom produces a graphic mock for client.
    Client reviews design mock.Client gives approval to proceed with proposed services.
    please note:– Deposits are required for all services.
  • Deposits are required for all work requiring printing services.
    Client work is completed by Marketcom.
  • Client reviews work for satisfaction.
  • Client receives invoice for services rendered from Marketcom that is due upon receipt.
  • Web sites are then uploaded to client’s hosting server or, FTP transfer.
  • Print materials are released to client upon approval and payment received.

General Terms

I. Deposits

Maximum 50% required for web and Print services below $1,000.00
Minimum 30% required for web and Print Design services over $1,000.00.
100% deposits are required for all Print Service and delivery work.

II. Balances

ALL Invoices are due upon receipt.
Account balances are due upon completion of all jobs.
Interest is charged on past-due amounts.
There is a 2-hour minimum service charge for all services.

III. Ownership

The final output becomes, after payment, the property of the client except in the case of illustration or photography, or where otherwise indicated. However, all preparatory materials (sketches, concepts not utilized, artwork, mechanical files, computer files, etc.) remain the property of Marketcom.

IV. Approvals (Important)

It is the sole responsibility of the client to review and proof read all material before production and to attest to its accuracy.

V. Billing

The client has the right to expect the price on an estimate or proposal, plus additional expenses and taxes, will be the invoiced price unless otherwise appended, verbally or in writing, before invoicing.

VI. Estimates & Proposals

After sufficient information is gathered, Marketcom prepares a written estimate or proposal of assignment schedule, costs, and terms and conditions.

If information is unavailable, pricing is based on an hourly labor rate with frequent reviews of time expended. No assignment is started without signed acceptance of the estimate or proposal, or purchase order authorization.

VII. Working Arrangements

Unless otherwise stipulated, every assignment is considered to comprise two equal sections: Product specifics, market objectives, budget and approvals are the responsibility of the client; Conceptual approaches, creativity, management, and production expertise are the responsibility of Marketcom.

VIII. Guarantee

Marketcom strives to supply a satisfied end product to our clients. However, not all projects we take on will live up to all client’s expectations. It is required of the client to best communicate their objectives as well as possible. If Marketcom is unable to complete said client’s request from mutual communication, then a refund of deposit will be given back to client, minus expenses incurred by Marketcom.

The expenses are in general nature for reasonable time, outside services, or other items of expense incurred by Marketcom to fulfill client project objectives. A full list of expense items is supplied from Marketcom to client.

IX. Assignment Changes

Should the assignment change during the course of work being performed, Marketcom provides client with an updated estimate outlining scope and details of new costs which are subject to client approval.

X. Speculative Work

Marketcom does not perform work “on speculation””— i.e., to have assignment contingent on approval of the work. We’ve found speculative work to be counterproductive and subject to abuse and increased prices.

XI. Consultation

We make one free consultation with client. Subsequent meetings are part of the billable assignment.

XII. Non-use

In accordance with accepted professional services practice, the client is financially obligated for work done, whether or not it is utilized.

XIII. Project Specific Purchases

Stock photography or other graphics purchased for projects are the financial responsibility of client.

Costs are normally billed to client on final invoice but may be required before final invoice is served. Costs are disclosed to client before purchases are made.

XIV. Miscellaneous Expense

Long-distance telephone calls, couriers, zip disks, CD-ROM copies of artwork, travel and any other out-of-pocket expenses will be charged to client and are payable when invoiced.

XV. Confidentiality

Marketcom is committed to keep all client information and materials strictly confidential and all reasonable efforts are taken to safeguard privacy.

Please contact us for more information