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Marketcom Makes Small Business Marketing Easy and Profitable

Dream Big… We Make Awesome Websites!

New and Website Updates

Peace of Mind Protections

Content Writing

Tailored To Your Business

Creative Ideas

Unique To Your Business

24/7 Support

Always Available

Affordable Small Business Marketing

Business Marketing is Now More Competitive Than Ever.

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Get Consistent Matching Marketing Across All Platforms Seen On Any Screen

Maximize your online presence with a strategy unique to your business, all from one convenient place.

Let’s Build Something Great!

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Get Marketcom’s Award Winning Services
That Gives Your Business The Marketing Edge

Digital Marketing

Packages for Websites, Updates, Logos, Branding for Existing and New Businesses Starting Below $1,000

Excellent Small Business Packages

content copywriting

Copywriting puts together headlines, subheadlines, and images for persuasive marketing communication

Get Increased Leads and Conversions

Get FREE SEO Analysis

(SEO) strategy that helps your business be more visible in local search results on Google and other search engines.

Local SEO Experts

marketing strategy consulting

Course of marketing action plan to determine the best way to reach and capture your target audience.

Driving Success For Your Business

websites starting As Low As $299

Websites for visitors to comprehend your company’s goods  or services quickly.

Low Cost Quality Solutions

music marketing promotion

Compelling Music Artists Websites | Marketing | Promotional Graphics | Social Media | Branding

Complete Suite of Services

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Identity  |  Trust  |  Lead Generation  |  Engagement  |  Conversion  |  Monitoring

  • Exceptional Value
  • Experience
  • Integrity
  • Reliability

Marketing For Less With Fractional CMO

Get A Personal Business Marketing Department and Save Thousands of Dollars on Marketing Expenses

A Fractional Chief Marketing Officer (FCMO) provides businesses with cost savings, flexibility, and specialized expertiseFCMOs can be a good fit for businesses that are growing, have budget constraints, or need to address specific marketing challenges. A Fractional Chief Marketing Officer (fCMO) can provide businesses with cost savings, flexibility, and specialized expertise. FCMOs can be a good fit for businesses that are growing, have budget constraints, or need to address specific marketing challenges.

Our FCMO Service may be just what you need.

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You Can Trust Our Web Services

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Don’t Be This Guy

Don’t spend time away from your business tweaking and worrying about your website working and hoping for the best, or have a company that disappears over night, leaving you not knowing what to do.

Get Reliable Web Services for:

  • Unique Web Design
  • Web Hosting
  • Email Setup
  • Website Monitoring and Protection
  • Cloud Backup
  • SEO

Starting as LOW AS $299

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Branding, Logos, and Business Identity

Good branding builds strong professional presentation with all necessary elements from logos and marketing materials.

Our Branding Designs makes sure each element forms a part of a strategy that sends out a consistent message and image across all media platforms and attracts the right customers.


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Social Media

Social Media Planning and Implementing

Our Social Media provides low-cost way to be consistently in front of customers while engaging them in the value of your product

  • Content Creation
  • Social Media Strategy
  • Post Scheduling
  • Analysis Reporting
  • Hashtagging


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Content Copywriting

Broaden your brand with our content marketing, sharing information designed to attract, engage, and retain your audience. Increase brand awareness, sales, engagements, and loyalty with content marketing that includes articles, social media posts, emails, podcasts, videos, and more that can be shared through multiple channels such as websites, blogs, press releases, print, and more.

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serving your business reliably

why choose Marketcom123

Our name says it all. We provide services as easy as 1-2-3 with unique services to small businesses that’s hard to find… Our services are reliable and we stand by what we provide… We provide array of included services that allow you to run your business and not worry about website upkeep… We provide 24/7 Monitoring, Site Protections, Cloud Back-Ups… we won’t throw you on the Internet and let you fend for yourself

  • Awards won with business intelligence
  • Our mission is to grow your business faster
  • Global presence makes us top rated company

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My Personal Pledge To You

I provide this service despite the difficulties of running an online agency. It is quite challenging, to say the least, but so rewarding when it works. When clients are truly grateful for services and understand the value they receive, it makes it all worth it.

I hereby officially promise… I standby what I and this service deliver. Trust and Word is the most important of all business relations. When agreements are made, they should be honored with utmost confidence; if there’s any problems or issue, make them known upfront and clear to make required adjustments. I’ve been doing marketing for a long time and always kept my word and end up with a deal.

Please contact Me Anytime for any questions you may have.

Glen Williams

Passionate – Dedicated – Professional

achieve your business goals with purpose & strategy

Dream Big and Accomplish

Consulting 90%
Management 89%
Brainstorming 98%

Passionate – Dedicated – Professional

what our clients say

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“Glen is a good person to work with. ”

R. Ropp – Onpassive Founder

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“Excellent Marketing Company!”

K. Mills – MBA Taxes

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“I took a look at marketcom123 products and mind blown I love this company’s amazing websites! ”

D Coin – Lamier Investment LLC

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“I highly recommend Marketcom123 services. Under the leadership of Glen Williams, they can help your business reach more of your ideal customers with your products or services. Want to 10X your business ROI? See Glen ASAP.”

M. Toliver
Toliver Enterprises LLC

quotes-dark Business Home

“Glen s a great resource for media marketing. He brings a wealth of experience and focuses on building a plan that is customized to you. Glen is creative and will work to understand your specific market needs and opportunities. If you’re looking for a true partner and a business relationship built on trust, please reach out to Glen. ”

L Van Dusen
KPL Coaching

quotes-dark Business Home

“Glen Williams is a great resource!”

J. Kibler
MyUnlimited WP

quotes-dark Business Home

“Thank You for our wonderful fashion website, which displays our clothing lines well.”

G. Owens
GEO Fashions

quotes-dark Business Home

“Our new business website, is perfect for our needs.”

G. Betancourt
B A Vetting Services

quotes-dark Business Home

“Thank You Glen, Our landscaping website and marketing is just what we needed.”

P. Curtis
Specialty Gardens LLC

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“Everyone LOVES our website!… Thank You Glen for doing such a great job!”

S. Garrison
Pueblo Solis Restaurant


Are There Any Recurring Fees2025-01-04T14:24:46-06:00

The only recurring fees are for web hosting which we bill yearly. Other recurring fees include site updates.

Please view web hosting for more information what’s included with our plans

What Are Your Guarantees2025-01-04T14:24:25-06:00

Our work speaks for itself. All services from Marketcom requires a client review of satisfaction before work completion. In other words, our clients review their work from us frequently and completion is to their expectation. For more information, please see Service Policies.



Before any work begins, we consult with our clients to determine best course of action to deliver a satisfied assignment. We generally provide a detailed proposal to our clients outlining exactly what we envision to accomplish their project needs. Once the proposal is reviewed and the quote is accepted, we supply a mock illustrating the type of design we feel is appropriate. At that point the client supplies us their input as to if we are in line with their vision. We make adjustments or changes to meet the client’s objective if necessary. If we do not meet objectives, then the project is further reviewed and canceled if mutual agreements cannot be found.

What Are Your Rates and Guarantee We’re Not Being Overcharged2025-01-04T14:23:47-06:00

Our rates vary per hour and up for web and graphic services depending on complexity of project, however we normally charge by the project. We require a 25-50% down payment to get most projects started. Our rates are based on our experience and expertise in our services. We work within proposed timelines for our clients and are able to offer shorter completion times due from our operating.

You can trust Marketcom to give fair and accurate rates. Every project we take on receives full analysis to amount of work required. Should the project take more time to complete, our clients are promptly notified of any fee increase.

How Do You Provide Affordable Services2025-01-04T14:22:40-06:00

We have a unique way of creating WordPress CMS style sites from the ground up. We understand needs of small business and try to supply best services possible. If the project requires advanced coding for specific functions, then that would fall under “special” custom services. We’ve found most small business sites function very well without high-end custom backend processes and Marketcom supplies a complete and reliable web presence for every site we create.

Will I Own My Website2025-01-04T14:21:27-06:00

Absolutely YES. Once your site is completed to your satisfaction and all transactions are paid, you own all rights to your website including licensed graphics, content, and all other aspects of your website or graphic work.

What To Expect2025-01-04T14:20:01-06:00

In case you’re looking for something inexpensive and quick, Marketcom123 may not be your ideal choice. Websites, branding, and social media are crucial for your business appearance. We provide prospective clients with a quick survey to fill out in order to determine the best course of action or marketing plan… Marketing in cyberspace won’t function and won’t be seen without a web strategy. Our services are reasonably priced and designed for small businesses. Your marketing is a long-term investment that needs frequent attention to stay fresh in front of prospects and customers.

What Is Marketcom’s Experience2025-01-04T14:20:29-06:00

We offer unique services that are hard to find to small businesses. Our services are reliable, and we back up what we say. In order to relieve you of the burden of managing your website while operating your business, we provide a range of integrated services. We provide cloud backups, site protections, and round-the-clock monitoring. We promise not to desert you on the internet and let you fend for yourself.

How Do I Communicate With Marketcom2025-01-04T14:21:01-06:00

We’re easy to communicate with.. Simply send Support Ticket or Call… we’ll answer promptly.

What Will I Need To Start2025-01-04T14:20:48-06:00

We have a simple and quick Questionnaire we ask clients to fill out to better understand and deliver project requirements. Content is the most important, which is an explanation of your brand that comes directly from your business. No one is better qualified to write about your business than the management and owner… Your core description serves as the foundation for the marketing. Of course, we can assist with writing powerful content copy for your business.

How To Pay2025-01-04T14:25:16-06:00

Easy simply online payment options… simply click, enter invoice amount and done

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Trust and Intergrity

You Can Trust Marketcom to Deliver Your Project The Way You Want and Believe In
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Make Cash with Our Referrals

Think of people you know who can use our award-winning Web, Graphic, Social Media, Search Engine, Consulting services and let them know about us!

All information is strictly confidential.


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