Content Copywriting

Increase Leads, SEO, and Conversions with Copywriting

Increase Leads, SEO, and Conversions with Copywriting

Effective Content Sells

Broaden your brand with content marketing sharing information designed to attract, engage and retain your audience. Increase brand awareness, sales, engagements and loyalty with content marketing that includes articles, social media posts, emails, podcasts, videos and more that can be shared through multiple channels such as websites, blogs, press releases, print and more.

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What We Provide

Content Copywriting Management


Stories are engaging and help form connections. They create opportunities to build strong relationships with the audience and capture attention. It is a story summary of your brand’s history, mission, purpose, and what you provide. It is likely 22 times more likely that viewers remember details when stories communicate messages rather than just facts and numbers.

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Copy Research

Copywriting research is the process of finding the right words, in the right order, and in the right way to write a blog post or other content that convinces the reader to take a specific action. The research process can involve:

We provide copywriting research, which is the process of finding the right words to get desired call-to-action results.

  • Defining goals
  • Identifying sources
  • Collecting data
  • Analyzing data
  • Writing a draft
  • Revising and editing
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Copywriting puts together the headlines, subheadlines, and images included in the advertisement. It uses persuasive communication to influence the target audience. It also helps to create the advertisement’s call to action, logo, and slogan. The AIDA model is a popular framework used in designing advertising copy.

After getting the audience’s attention, the copy should maintain the focus of the consumer by generating interest. This involves creating messages that are relevant to the target audience (Altstiel and Grow, 2016). The AIDA model states that the copy should provoke a desire for the advertised product or service. When the desire is instilled, the copy should then motivate the audience to act or perform the call to action in the advertisement.

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Copywriting metrics are quantifiable indicators that show how well copywriting is performing. Some metrics that copywriters use to track and quantify their performance include:

  • Conversion rate
  • Click-through rate
  • Bounce rate
  • Time on page
  • Engagement rate
  • Return on investment
  • Social media shares
  • Customer feedback

After getting the audience’s attention, the copy should maintain the focus of the consumer by generating interest. This involves creating messages that are relevant to the target audience. The copy should provoke a desire for the advertised product or service.

The copy should motivate the audience to act or perform the call to action in the advertisement.

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ChatGPT can be used for a wide range of applications, including: customer support, sales and lead generation, content creation, and troubleshooting code.

ChatGPT is a tool that can help businesses in many ways, including:

  • Content creation: ChatGPT can generate ideas for creative content, such as marketing materials
  • Proofreading: ChatGPT can help with proofreading existing articles
  • Coding: ChatGPT can help with coding and editing code
  • Customer service: ChatGPT can help reduce customer service costs by reducing the time and effort needed to answer questions
  • Market research: ChatGPT can help with market research
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We’re Here To Answer Any Questions You May Have!

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